Thursday, November 7, 2019

Information Report - Junior


Pandas are mammals, they have fur and they feed on milk when baby pandas are born.

Pandas have black and white fur. They eat bamboo for 12 hours. They weight 60-100kg. When baby pandas are born, they don’t have fur but when they are bigger, they will get fur. They can run 1.2 to 1.8 miles.

Pandas live in China’s south-west forest. Pandas are endangered species. There are around 2000 left in the wild. Female pandas raise cubs on their own.

By Eric 


Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.  They sound like a cat. They eat meat, such as gazelle, wild beast, rabbits and birds. They are carnivores.

They are mammals with fur, they live in grasslands because they live in south-east Africa. They have to eat   food really fast, otherwise their predators can come and kill them.

A cheetah is part of a big cat family. A cheetah can run over 50m in 10 second. There are still some cheetahs around the world today.

Cheetahs don’t always die when a bigger predator comes because they can run away on max speed.

By Ming Chen 


The megalodons are the biggest shark in the sea.  They existed 3 million years ago, now they are extinct.

They once lived in the oceans around Australia, China and Japan. They also lived in tropical shallow water.

Megalodons are carnivores. They eat fish, sea turtles and large whales. They are mammals. They are 18 meters long and 60 feet tall. They have big and sharp teeth. Their fossils are large and rare.

By Reisha 

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